The intangibility

by Alice Cutullé

In Matteo Casali’s works, whether they are portraits or landscapes, made with a certain speed of execution, to seek immediacy and to capture the poetry of a single moment, he uses an unreal synthesis between form and color.

The result is a continuous study which, through the loss of identity that a place or a body can undergo, tends to arrive at a new truth, mediated by a new equilibrium, be it pictorial or digital. His figurative style, full of emotions, is very reminiscent of Nordic art and certain creations of Francis Bacon. The main subjects are figures seated in isolation, those of Edward Hopper, as per environments cold and bare that underline their condition of alienation and loneliness. Casali is also fascinated by new technologies, which can be tools for collaborating with other artists and exhibiting at a distance.

Older searches were: The white period, The face of daphne and The white sky of the fields of Thiene.

Virtual Sculptures
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