Synthetic Life

A synthetic life, a synthetic design. New realities and truths in non-existent places. People locked up in quarantine, during the Covid 19 pandemic, who lose consciousness of themselves, forgetting who they were. People who, in digital realities, find new identities. New masks. This reflection is the basis of the research I carry out in 2021. Pictorial, mainly, but influenced by the new technologies I am testing. Virtual Realities (Supernova Atelier, NOTSpace) that bring painting and the concept of atelier to new realities.
The Synthetic Life research is part of the Synthetic Reality macro-research, which includes “The face of daphne”, “The white period”, and general AR / VR projects “, and aims to study how technology and painting can create new reality.

Digital painting
Paintings in the virtual atelier
Paintings come to life!
Paintings come to life!
Instagram filter, the painting become my new face