
EVS.abav is the first virtual exhibition open to all students of the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice.
Born as a project of Matteo Casali’s master’s thesis, who oversaw all aspects, and detached from it due to lack of official support from the Academy, it is proposed as an experience by and for students, which focuses on ” inclusiveness of students unable to participate in the physical exhibition at the end of the year, both for motor problems and for works (see digital sculptures and videos) otherwise difficult or impossible to exhibit in reality. Or, again, a further voice to declare the will and the need to keep alive and evolve those technologies that have allowed us to teach at a distance that has shown its positive aspects that can also be exploited in normal everyday life, so as not to see them forgotten. and recovered by force. at the next emergency.
There is therefore no theme, other than to show the public their works performed during the academic year, as an appendix to the official event of the Venice Art Night 2022.
